Trouble In WordPress City, Underwater Magic and Starry Night – haiku

UPDATE – I found the problem! (Of course, it would have been nice if WordPress could have provided more support in the way of a person).  In case any of you have this very same problem, where all your function buttons disappear when editing a post – or working on a new post, click on Publish at the top of the right-hand column and the buttons will reappear. What fooled me was, the first time I clicked on it nothing happened; well, evidently I didn’t click on it directly or hard enough, because when I clicked on it a few days later, it worked!  I would suggest that WordPress add a small arrow like they have on their Screen Options that let’s one know that there is a choice of hidden or unhidden prompts.  But, I’m back in business!


I am having a serious problem with the functioning of my WP blog. It started after WordPress paused their service for a maintenance session. When it started back (within a few minutes) I noticed my comment I had just entered wasn’t there; but when I clicked reply to rewrite it, the comment popped up. So that’s okay.

But then, when I went to edit my last post there were a whole lot of buttons missing! I couldn’t “preview” or “update” because the buttons had evaporated. I cleared my cache, used Google Chrome, used Mozilla Foxfire, checked it out on my other computer, changed themes – all to no avail. Has anyone else had these problems?

Next, I decided to add a new post (that’s where I ‘m at now). Okay, on the right there are still no buttons, no “save draft”, no “preview”, and no “publish”. So, why am I typing this new post? Just to see if the autosave will keep it in the system for me until the buttons reappear. But I think it would behoove me to copy this to Wordpad just in case autosave doesn’t do the trick – I see in the lower right-hand corner the draft is being saved every minute or so.

UPDATE – I’ve discovered I can add a new post by using the quick post because it has  the “publish” button.  If anyone has the answer to this mystery of the missing buttons would  you please leave a comment.  Thanks!

In the meantime, I think I’ll try inserting a new watercolor painting I just did with ArtRage, called “Underwater World”. And I’ve included a haiku.    This is , indeed, a learning process.  Right now it’s all about learning what the best tool might be to make a certain stroke, texture  or shape.

I might as well add one more while I’m at it – “Starry Night”  with a haiku included also.

silently gliding
undulating tentacles
underwater magic

stars shining above
shooting star streaking through sky
clouds meet milky way

9 thoughts on “Trouble In WordPress City, Underwater Magic and Starry Night – haiku

    • I’m pursuing it because I haven’t heard anyone else complain about this (which sometimes gets the fire going under their ****s). It’s for sure you can’t get too complacent when everything is going great in your world! I’m glad you liked Starry Night – I wasn’t too happy with the shooting star but didn’t want to keep working on it like it was going to be a masterpiece 😆

    • Thank you Dilip. Since I answered Louann (above) I have discovered what was wrong. There are many words in your dashboard that can be hidden or made visible. Well, that was the problem, I inadvertently “hid” all the functions – and all I had to do was click on the very top word “PUBLISH” and they all came back! Thank goodness I found it because WordPress doesn’t have any support team right now (not enough supporters for all the bloggers). Onward and upward! 🙂

  1. Alleluia! Somehow I was able to comment on your blog. I’ve been caught in a WordPress snafu for a couple of weeks now. Hope things get straight over there….

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