Autumn Haiku

Here is a touch of orange, autumn leaves, and a haiku! Linking with Orange You Glad It’s Friday and Creative Every Day.

Smoky smells of fire
Heaps of brittle brown leaves
Crisp cool autumn air

Falling leaves of red
Raining leaves of golden hue
Time to get the rake




11 thoughts on “Autumn Haiku

  1. Thanks Carolyn. Being from the desert I don’t have any autumn photos so I will use clip art from my MS Office in cases like this. I find it’s a lot of fun combining 2-5 different pictures to create my own picture – that’s art, isn’t it? 🙂

  2. I’m so very impressed when I read haiku … and yours are really good! I doubt I could ever come up with a disciplined creative flow of word pictures.

  3. Beautiful haiku, you picture is so sweet too. I love the smell of a fall fire or buying leaves. My daughter came thru the storm ok, she was very fortunate and had no flooding and did not lose power. However, she can’t get to work until the subways are running again. Thank you for stopping by and thinking of her, Laura

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